
在讀一本關於照顧的書,讀到一篇由哲學家Eva Feder Kittay所著的When Caring is Just and Justice is Caring,有很深的共鳴,特別將其中一段翻譯成中文,希望跟各位分享,讓我們作為照顧者能更好的了解自己跟被照顧者的關係。



For my daughter dependence of the most profound sort will be part of her normal existence. But such dependence does not preclude a certain form of mutual dependence. I depend on her as well. Sesha and her well-being are essential to my own. Her smile chases away the trivial distractions of the day. Her embrace grounds me in what is important and precious. Watching her grow and develop skills and take pride in her accomplishments nurtures me as much as my own work. In another place I’ve written: “It’s perhaps self-delusional to say that I am as dependent on her as she is on me, but perhaps not. Others could take care of her and even love her – in fact, I must think that she will continue to thrive with or without me. But without her, I would wither” (Kittay, 2000b). Writing that passage, acknowledging that I was even more dependent on her than she on me, was itself a moment of discovery. 

Although my daughter can never be “productive” or pay back to society anything of material value, still her contributions are great. Her sweetness radiates and enriches the lives of everyone she touches, those who allow themselves to be touched by her. Without her abundant and exuberant love, the world would be a more dismal place. I am only beginning to fill volumes with what I have learned from her.

Kittay, E., & Feder, E. (2002). The subject of care : Feminist perspectives on dependency (Feminist constructions). Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.


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